Glad to see that you made it through the week! I heard that it's supposed to be in the UPPER 70's here! I hate to keep saying that, but WOOHOO! All of you in the heartland of this country, stay safe and warm as your weather hits!
We are going to VA this weekend to see our friends who live on the water. There will be some crafting and I have a new recipe that I will share if it turns out. We are bound to have a fantastic time because we are also taking our Mexican Train Dominoes game. J's mom gave it to him many moons ago. Have you played this?

You can pick it up from Amazon for about $15. It is a wonderful strategy game. Our family loves it and I hope yours does too!
My Goodwill Hunting Chalkboard decided that it wasn't quite ready to display "Happy Happy Happy" a quote from Phil Robertson. J came home Wednesday and it had apparently fallen of the window ledge and broke. I will re-purpose the frame somehow.
I said on Facebook that I am busting at the seams with news. Sorry, you will have to have some patience on that one. I will let you know that it isn't BAD news.
Hope you're doing something fun this weekend whether it's shoveling snow, or basking in the sun. Whatever it is, make it count with who you're with.
Have a great one!
Miss T
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